Day 3: Levels of biodiversity



  • The Media Day (Day 4) video and required activity are posted on Moodle. Complete the video and activity by 7/1 23:59.

  • Midterm is next week (7/2). I will explain more at the end of today’s lecture.


QR code linking to Socrative room for JABIOD2024

Biodiversity is not just about species

  • Diversity exists within species 種の中にも生物多様性が存在する

  • Species have evolutionary history 種には進化的な歴史がある


alleles in peas

Allele = alternative versions of a gene

アリル = 対立遺伝子。一つの遺伝子に複数の種類があった場合、その一つ。


alleles in peas

Phenotype = 表現型
Genotype = 遺伝子型

Gene pool

gene pool of peas

Gene pool = the total genetic diversity within a population or species


Activity: which is more diverse?

Populations with low genetic diversity are vulnerable

  • Genetic diversity is linked to species-level diversity: if enough populations die, the species may go extinct

  • 遺伝的多様性は種レベルの多様性と関連している:もし十分な数の個体群が死滅すれば、種は絶滅するかもしれない。

Phylogenetic trees represent evolution

Phylogenetic trees represent evolution

Connections matter, not order of tips

You may read the tips left to right, but that does not mean the tip on the right is “more evolved”. 系統樹を読む際は左から右へとラベルを読むかもしれないけど、右の種は「より進化した」わけではない。

Connections matter, not order of tips

The same tree can be represented multiple ways. 一つの系統関係には複数の表し方がある。

Phylogenetic trees tell us about biogeography of Japan

Group Activity: Build a phylogenetic tree

Build a phylogenetic tree including: owl, carp, rhinoceros, frog, starfish

Build a phylogenetic tree: Step 1

List characteristics of each species 共通に持っている特徴を探す

Build a phylogenetic tree: Step 2

Convert the list into a matrix リストをマトリックスに変換する

Build a phylogenetic tree: Step 3

Use the matrix to build a concentric circles diagram (Venn diagram) マトリックスを使って同心円図(ベン図)を作る

Build a phylogenetic tree: Step 4

Connect species from the Venn diagram to build the tree ベン図から種をつなげて系統樹を作る

Build a phylogenetic tree: Step 5

Indicate on the tree where the characteristics evolved その特徴がどこで進化したのかを系統樹に示す。

Activity: Which area is more diverse?

About the midterm (7/2)

  • Topics covered 試験に出るトピック
    • Day 2, Global distribution of biodiversity
    • Day 3, Levels of biodiversity
    • Media day, Distribution of biodiversity in Japan

About the midterm (7/2)

  • 30 minutes long

  • Multiple choice and short answer 多肢選択式と記述式

  • No computers or smartphones ラップトップ、携帯など禁止

  • 1 page (A4, both sides) of hand-written notes allowed A4一枚(両面)の手書きメモはオッケー

About the on-demand lecture activity

About the on-demand lecture activity

  • Please fill out the Google Form for the activity by 2024-07-01 23:59
    7月1日 23:59までにGoogleフォームに記入してください。

  • The link to the form ( is available in Moodle and the course website