Day 5: Ecosystems and ecosystem services


Midterm test

  • 30 minutes long

  • 5 minute break after test

  • You may answer in English or Japanese

What are ecosystems?

  • Networks of interacting organisms
  • 「生態系」とは、相互作用する生物のネットワーク

Food web

The composition of ecosystems differs across the globe


From a conservation standpoint we need to save each one


Ecosystems are not static

  • Ecosystems change (succession) 生態系は変わることがある(遷移)

Primary succession: when an ecosystem develops from bare rock


Picture of primary succession

Secondary succession: when an ecosystem develops after major disturbance


Picture of secondary succession

Activity: Which is more diverse?

Which is more diverse: forest with no disturbance or small amount of disturbance

Intermediate disturbance hypothesis

Ecosystems reach highest diversity at intermediate levels of disturbance

Intermediate disturbance curve

Disturbance is natural

  • When humans suppress natural change, it lowers biodiversity

  • 撹乱は自然現象である

  • 人間が自然に起こる撹乱を抑えると、生物多様性が低下する

Japan has diverse ecosystems

Brazil 2022, Japan: The Natural History of an Asian Archipelago

Japan has diverse ecosystems

Brazil 2022, Japan: The Natural History of an Asian Archipelago

Ecosystems are linked to ecosystem services (生態系サービス)

Healthy ecosystems have benefits for people


  • Direct 直接的
    • Example: food from plants
  • Indirect 間接的
    • Example: mangroves prevent coastal erosion
  • Aesthetic/ethical 美的・倫理的
    • Example: trees in parks relieve daily stress

Activity: Discuss ecosystem services

  1. List as many ecosystem services as you can in your group (at least 10)

  2. Arrange them in the Venn diagram. Put a star next to ecosystem services that you experience yourself.

  3. Share your results with the class. What are services that show up in multiple categories?

Example to satoyama: Misato, Kumamoto


Satoyama with labels

Satoyama are complex ecosystems with human interactions


Not one ecosystem, but many

“Traditional, rural landscapes, which are social and ecological networks of a village and its surroundings, which include agricultural lands, open forest lands and forests, and which have maintained a high diversity of plants, insects, and small-to-medium-sized animals”

Fukamachi (2001, Landsc. Ecol. 16: 703–717)

Satoyama are widely distributed throughout Japan


In satoyama, humans benefit from the ecosystem and help maintain biodiversity


  • Cutting trees prevents any one species from becoming dominant 樹木を伐採することで、種のどれか一つだけが圧倒的に多くなることを防ぐ
  • Watering of rice paddies provides habitat for wetland species 水田への散水は湿地生物に生息地を提供する

Satoyama are being lost due to population shrinkage


  • The current population of Japan is shrinking 現在の日本の人口は減少している
  • Most young people are in the cities 若者の多くは都会にいる
  • There are fewer and fewer people to manage satoyama, so biodiversity is being lost 里山を管理する人が少なくなり、生物多様性が失われている

The Japanese government is trying to conserve satoyama


Reminder: Quiz next week

Watch the videos and be ready for a quiz next week (7/9)