Day 6: Documenting biodiversity and threats to biodiversity


Threats to biodiversity in Japan


  • Local
    • Development 開発
    • Artifical forests 人工林
    • Invasive species 外来種
  • Global: climate change 地球温暖化

Development 開発

  • Japan is 70% mountainous, so population centers are concentrated on the coasts 日本は70%が山地であるため、人口の中心は沿岸部に集中している。
  • Wetlands are strongly impacted by development 湿地は開発の影響を強く受ける

Artificial forests 人工林

  • In the 1950s and 60s, large areas were planted with lumber trees 1950年代から60年代にかけて、広大な土地に木材の木が植えられた(人工林)
  • But now demand is low, so many trees are unused しかし、現在は需要が少なく、多くの木が利用されていない。
  • Unmanaged plantations decrease biodiversity 管理されていない人工林は生物多様性を減少させる

Invasive species 外来種

  • Black bass (for fishing)  ブラックバス(釣り)

Invasive species 外来種

  • Mongoose (for snake control) ングース(ヘビ対策)

“Mongooses don’t fight snakes. Professor responsible for creating nightmare invasive species.”

Climate change 地球温暖化

  • Flowering times have shifted earlier 開花時期が早まった
    • Pollinators may not be able to find their flowers 送粉者が花を見つけられない可能性がある。

Climate change 地球温暖化

  • Ocean warming causes coral bleaching in Okinawa 沖縄ではサンゴの白化現象が起こっている

Documenting biodiversity

Conserving and documenting biodiversity are two sides of the same coin: you can’t have one without the other.


If we don’t know where species live, we can’t conserve them. If we don’t conserve them, there won’t be anything to study.


Example: Survey of plants on Iriomote Island


Final Project

For your final project, you will give a group presentation on a biodiversity hotspot.


Final Project

Each group (3 total) chooses one hotspot

  • Global Hotspots (from Conservation International list)
    • Tropical Andes 熱帯アンデス
    • Cape Floristic Region ケープ植物区保護地域群
  • Hotspots in Japan
    • Ogasawara Islands 小笠原諸島
    • Okinawa Islands 沖縄諸島

Example Hotspot Profile

Presentation should include:

  • Location of the hotspot 場所
  • Analysis of biodiversity 生物多様性の解析
    • What groups of organisms are particularly diverse? 特に多様性の高い生物群は?
    • Are there any particularly interesting species? 特に興味深い種はあるか?
    • How is biodiversity distributed within the area? 生物多様性は地域内でどのように分布しているか?
    • What evolutionary and geologic processes cause the high biodiversity? 生物多様性が高いのは、どのような進化的・地質的プロセスが原因か?

Presentation should include:

  • Analysis of threats 危機の分析
    • How much area has already been lost to human activity? 人間の活動によって、すでにどれだけの面積が失われているのか?
    • What are the major threats posed? 主な危機は何か?
  • Conservation outlook 保全の見通し
    • What are the current conservation efforts and protection status? 現在の保全活動と保護状況は?
    • What needs to be done to save biodiversity in the future? 今後、生物多様性を保全するために何が必要か?


  • Time: 10~12 minutes

  • Language: English

  • You must cite your sources (more on that soon) 出典(参考文献)は必ず引用すること(詳しくは後述)


  • Slides (Powerpoint)

  • Script (Microsoft Word, 5-6 pages double spaced, 12 point font)

  • Submit via Moodle by 5:50 PM on July 18

Division of group work

By role (example):

  • Writer
  • Visual-director
  • Fact-checker
  • Proof-reader
  • Presenter

Division of group work

By section/slide number (example):

  • Distribution of biodiversity (slides 1-3)
  • Threats to biodiversity (slides 4-6)
  • etc.


You will evaluate each other group’s presentation (Form A), as well as the contributions of other members of your group (Form B). The evaluations will be used when grading.



  • Fill out Form A and Form B (Word documents) and submit via Moodle by 11:59 PM July 19.

About citing references

  • You need to cite sources in your slides when you use a direct quote, fact, or image スライドで直接的な引用事実画像を使用する場合は、出典を引用する必要がある。

  • You should try and determine if the source is trustworthy 出典が信頼できるかどうかを判断する必要がある。

    • Books and academic journal articles are preferable to websites ウェブサイトよりも書籍や学術雑誌の記事が望ましい。
  • Wikipedia is OK, but use the primary sources if possible ウィキペディアでも構わないが、可能であれば一次資料を使うこと。

References: How to find

What is the number of plant species on Madagascar?

Find Wikipedia article by Google search まずはググってみる

References: How to find

Find text in Wikipedia article, which cites another source ウィキペディアの記事から、別の出典を引用している文章を見つける

References: How to find

Look up the source in the reference list 文献リストから出典を調べる

References: How to find

Check the original source 元々の出典を確認

References: How to find

Check the original source 元々の出典を確認

References: Example slide

Madagascar has 11,399 species of native vascular plants (82% endemic) (Madagascar Catalog)

Main threats include deforestation, overgrazing, and internal migration (CEPF)

References: Example reference List

References Cited

  • Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF). Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands Biodiversity Hotspot Ecosystem Profile. [] Accessed: July 11, 2023.

  • Madagascar Catalogue. Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Madagascar. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, U.S.A. & Antananarivo, Madagascar [] Accessed: July 11, 2023.