## Using {targets} for bioinformatics pipelines [**Joel Nitta**](https://www.joelnitta.com) rOpenSci Community Call <span style = 'font-size: 120%;'>2023-01-31</span> <br><br><img src="https://docs.ropensci.org/targets/logo.svg" alt="drawing" height="350" style="float:right;margin:-200px 0px"> <br><br><br>https://joelnitta.github.io/comm-call-bioinfo-targets --- ## Self-introduction .pull-left[ @joelnitta@fosstodon.org https://joelnitta.com - Project Research Associate @ [The University of Tokyo](http://iwasakilab.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp/) - Research interests: Ecology and evolution of __ferns__ ] .pull-right[ <img src="https://github.com/joelnitta/joelnitta-site/blob/master/static/media/headers/research_img2.jpg?raw=true" alt="drawing" height="400"/> .small[Photo: J-Y Meyer] ] --- ## Resources Blog post - https://www.joelnitta.com/posts/2021-11-16_r-bioinfo-flow/ Demo repo - https://github.com/joelnitta/targets_vcf_example --- ## What is "bioinformatics"? <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nf-core/rnaseq/3.9/docs/images/nf-core-rnaseq_metro_map_grey.png" alt="drawing" height="400"/> .small[https://sbc.shef.ac.uk/blog/nextflow/] --- ## What is "bioinformatics"? For the purposes of this talk, **any analysis that involves calling many programs outside of R** and **reading from / saving to external files**. --- class: inverse, center, middle # Our goal: reproducible pipelines --- ## Using {targets} for bioinformatics  --- ## Workflow with files .pull-left[ - Use `tar_file()` in targets plan - Store files in **`_targets/user/`** - \*Bonus\*: Snapshot your targets cache with [{gittargets}](https://github.com/ropensci/gittargets) ] <img src="https://github.com/ropensci/gittargets/blob/main/man/figures/logo.png?raw=true" alt="drawing" height="350" style="float:right"> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Allows you to roll back to a particular code commit in {targets}, then checkout the matching workflow state **without re-running everything** --- ## Workflow with files My recommendation: ``` _targets/ └── user ├── data ├── intermediates └── results ``` - `data`: raw data files - `intermediates`: output / input of intermediate steps - `results`: final output (e.g., manuscript) --- ## Wrapper functions R functions that call external programs. - `system()`: most basic form, just runs exactly the input given - `system2()`: slightly more complicated - **`processx::run()`** - allows for asynchronous processes - can specify different working directory - redirection of `stderr` and `stdout` - many other features Syntax: ```r processx::run(command, args) ``` ```r processx::run("ls", c("-l", "-h")) # same as `ls -l -h` ``` --- ## Use docker for external programs .pull-left[ > A Docker container ... is a lightweight, **standalone**, executable **package of software** that includes everything needed to run an application - **Don't need to install program (and all of its dependencies)** ] .pull-right[ <img src="https://www.docker.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Moby-logo.png" alt="drawing" height="200" style="float:right"> ] .footnote[https://www.docker.com/resources/what-container/] --- ## Use docker for external programs - Docker image for `fastp`: ``` quay.io/biocontainers/fastp:0.23.1--h79da9fb_0 ``` Part after `:` is the tag (version, here `0.23.1`) - Instead of installing `fastp` from sratch, can do: ``` docker run quay.io/biocontainers/fastp:0.23.1--h79da9fb_0 fastp ``` --- ## Use docker for external programs .pull-left[ We don't have time to cover details of Docker today Recommended resource: - Carpentries Incubator Workshop ["Reproducible Computational Environments Using Containers"](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/docker-introduction/index.html) ] .pull-right[ <img src="https://www.docker.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Moby-logo.png" alt="drawing" height="200" style="float:right"> ] --- ## Where to find containers - **Bioconda** https://bioconda.github.io/ - Biocontainers https://biocontainers.pro/ - Docker Hub* https://hub.docker.com/ All containers in Bioconda are also in Biocontainers I find the search interface in **Bioconda** easier to use - look for `(see .../tags for valid values for <tag>)` Containers in Bioconda and Biocontainers are **actively maintained and tested** *Containers in Docker Hub come with no guarantees --- ## If you can't find a container... [Roll your own](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/docker-introduction/creating-container-images/index.html) (not covered here) --- ## Wrapping docker calls from R babelwhale R package: https://github.com/dynverse/babelwhale `babelwhale::run()` has similar syntax to `processx::run()`, but adds the container (image) name .pull-left[ ```r babelwhale::run( * container, command, args) ``` ```r babelwhale::run( * "alpine", "ls", "-h") ``` ] --- ## Loading files into docker: mounting In order to connect the docker container to your files, you need to **mount** the directory. ``` docker run -v /path/to/local/dir:/path/to/container/dir ``` .center[ <img src="https://miro.medium.com/max/816/1*yrt2ZHCjW7w_5wyO5twX8Q.png" alt="drawing" height="230"> ] .small[https://bikramat.medium.com/docker-volume-63c50635e80c] --- ## Loading files into docker ```r wd <- getwd() babelwhale::run( container = "alpine", command = "ls", args = c("/wd_in_docker", "-h"), * volumes = paste(wd, ":/wd_in_docker", sep = "") ) ``` This gets confusing with multiple files and folders... --- ## run_auto_mount() Makes it easier to mount files. **For any file or folder argument, just provide the local path and name it "file"** ```r babelwhale::run_auto_mount( container = "alpine", command = "ls", * args = c(file = wd, "-h") ) ``` --- ## Example of run_auto_mount(): clean reads with fastp ```r # Download some example read files download.file( url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenGene/fastp/master/testdata/R1.fq", destfile = "R1.fq") download.file( url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenGene/fastp/master/testdata/R2.fq", destfile = "R2.fq") babelwhale::run_auto_mount( container = "quay.io/biocontainers/fastp:0.23.1--h79da9fb_0", command = "fastp", args = c( "-i", file = "R1.fq", "-I", file = "R2.fq", "-o", file = "R1_trim.fq", "-O", file = "R2_trim.fq", "-h", file = "trim_report.html" ) ) ``` --- ## Using run_auto_mount() in a wrapper function ```r # Define function to trim read files trim_reads <- function( f_read_in, r_read_in, f_read_out, r_read_out, report) { babelwhale::run_auto_mount( container = "quay.io/biocontainers/fastp:0.23.1--h79da9fb_0", command = "fastp", args = c( "-i", file = f_read_in, "-I", file = r_read_in, "-o", file = f_read_out, "-O", file = r_read_out, "-h", file = report ) ) # Return the output file paths c(f_read_out, r_read_out) } ``` --- ## Using run_auto_mount() in a wrapper function ```r # Run function trim_reads( f_read_in = "R1.fq", r_read_in = "R2.fq", f_read_out = "R1_trim.fq", r_read_out = "R2_trim.fq", report = "trim_report.html" ) ``` --- ## Combine functions.R and _targets.R .pull-left[ `functions.R` ```r sam_to_bam <- function( sam, out_dir) { # Format output file out_file <- fs::path_file(sam) %>% fs::path_ext_remove() %>% fs::path_ext_set(".bam") %>% fs::path(out_dir, .) # Run docker run_auto_mount( container_id = "quay.io/biocontainers/samtools:1.9--h91753b0_8", command = "samtools", args = c( "view", "-S", "-b", file = sam), stdout = out_file ) out_file } ``` ] .pull-right[ `_targets.R` ```r library(targets) source("R/functions.R") tar_plan( # Convert SAM to BAM tar_file( aligned_bam, sam_to_bam( aligned_sam, out_dir = "_targets/user/intermediates/bam"), pattern = map(aligned_sam) ) ) ``` ] --- ## One final detail: environment for R Docker is great for maintaining reproducible computing environments. But how do we maintain the **environment that is calling docker?** 🤔 - Solution: use [conda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html) and [renv](https://rstudio.github.io/renv/articles/renv.html) --- ## conda > Conda is an open source **package management system** ... It was created for Python programs, but it can package and distribute **software for any language**. We don't have time to cover details today. Recommended resource: Carpentries Incubator Workshop ["Introduction to Conda for (Data) Scientists"](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/introduction-to-conda-for-data-scientists/) .footnote[https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/] --- ## conda Use an `environment.yml` file to define needed software: ``` name: bioinfo-example-env channels: - conda-forge - bioconda - defaults dependencies: - r-renv=0.15.5 ``` --- ## conda - Install with `conda env create -f environment.yml` - Activate with `conda activate bioinfo-example-env` (`bioinfo-example-env` is name of example environment) - Deactivate with `conda deactivate` ``` (base) joelnitta$ conda activate bioinfo-example-env (bioinfo-example-env) joelnitta$ ``` --- ## renv Our conda environment includes R and the [{renv} package](https://rstudio.github.io/renv/articles/renv.html), which is a package manager for R. {renv} uses a file called `renv.lock` to track R package versions. For example, ``` "Matrix": { "Package": "Matrix", "Version": "1.3-4", "Source": "Repository", "Repository": "CRAN", "Hash": "4ed05e9c9726267e4a5872e09c04587c" } ``` --- ## renv - Turn on with `renv::activate()` - Install packages with `renv::restore()` - Update packages with `renv::snapshot()` You should track `renv.lock` with git. This way, any changes to package versions are all documented. --- ## Putting it all together: Variant calling workflow - https://github.com/joelnitta/targets_vcf_example - Based on [Data Carpentry Genomics lesson](https://datacarpentry.org/wrangling-genomics/04-variant_calling/index.html) To run the analysis, do: ```bash git clone https://github.com/joelnitta/targets_vcf_example cd targets_vcf_example conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate vcf-example-env Rscript -e 'renv::restore()' Rscript -e 'targets::tar_make()' ``` When it's done, look for HTML report in `_targets/user/results/` --- class: inverse, center, middle # Questions?